8 Hour Hazwoper This course is a shortened version of the 40-Hour HAZWOPER for persons on site only occasionally for a specific limited task and who are unlikely to be exposed over published exposure limits. Hands-on activities are included. Less emphasis is placed on level A & B PPE and more advanced spill containment activities.
This course is designed to meet the OSHA requirements for those individuals exposed to hazardous substances, health hazards, or safety hazards and their supervisors and management responsible for the site. The sites covered by this standard include various CERCLA, RCRA and other sites where uncontrolled hazardous waste exists or where hazardous substances or health hazards have been or have the potential to be released.
Topics include: site characterization and communication of hazards to affected employees, work practices by which the employee risks can be minimized, medical surveillance requirements, contents of the site safety and health plan and personal protective equipment requirements. Extensive hands-on activities are an integral part of the course and allow each student to wear level B PPE and perform various simulated spill clean up and decontamination operations. A 75-question exam will be give at the conclusion of the course. Attendees in this course have included: environmental and safety consultants, environmental engineers and drilling technicians, property developers, demolition and excavation contractors, and individual involved in conducting environmental site assessments.